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We are represented at various HPC events in Germany and around the world.

60 years URZ Leipzig


This event was celebrated yesterday with an official ceremony in the Paulinum of University of Leipzig. One of the guests was our Prime Minister…

ISC 2022 in Hamburg


Three eventful days are over and we are happy about a very successful ISC22. Since the event was held in Frankfurt in the last years, it took place in…

Meet MEGWARE at ISC22 in Hamburg


After a three-year break, we are especially pleased to be a Bronze Sponsor at this year’s ISC High Performance in Hamburg. From May 30 to June 1, we…

Supercomputing Conference 2021


Once again a year is over and the SC21 will open its doors today. We are participating virtually and are looking forward to interesting keynotes,…

Water on!


Our this year's team event was taking place at Kanupark Markkleeberg. After detailed instruction, we went down the canal in small groups. We had a lot…

MEGWARE is running!


The 15th edition of the Chemnitzer Firmenlauf could take place this year with new concept. Spread over two days and several starting times,…



We are excited and looking forward to participate in the ISC21 taking place virtually from June 24 to July 2. You are very welcome to visit our virtua…

MEGWARE is part of the HPC status conference


The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is organizing the next virtual HPC status conference on April 27th, together with the Gauß Alliance and…

MEGWARE is taking part in the first virtual SC


This year everything is different... However, we are looking forward taking part in the first virtual SC. Our CTO Axel Auweter will be part of the…

MEGWARE becomes the main sponsor of RoboSAX 2020


We are happy to support this year's saxon robot competition RoboSAX as main sponsor. The competition, which has taken place annually since 2011,…

ZKI congress in Leipzig


Today starts the this year's ZKI congress in Leipzig taking place until friday. We are silver sponsor of the event and looking forward welcoming you…

MEGWARE is sponsoring AHPC Meeting 2020


The AHPC meeting, taking place from February 19-21 in Klosterneuburg at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria), is the meeting…

Christmas spirit at TU Chemnitz


On December 5, the annual TUC Christmas Market takes place in and around the auditorium and seminar building of TU Chemnitz. In addition to handicraft…

MEGWARE at SC19 in Denver


Thanks to all of you for the exciting show and all the interesting conversations. We are already looking forward to SC next year in Atlanta.

MEGWARE is sponsoring PACO Workshop at MPI Magdeburg


Today starts the third Workshop on „Power-Aware Computing“ at Max Planck Institute in Magdeburg. The Workshop brings together experts in and close to…

MEGWARE speaking at NRW-HPC-Admin-Day in Dortmund


HPC cluster administrators of the universities are meeting today at the NRW-HPC-Admin-Day at TU Dortmund. As one of three speakers, Nico Mittenzwey,…

IBM Systems Technical University with MEGWARE


Since Monday, the IBM Systems Technical University is taking place in Prague. Our colleague Peter Großöhme is on site and gets all information about…

International Conference for High Performance Computing in Denver


We are taking part at SC19 and we are looking forward to your visit at our booth #2201. The international conference for high performance computing is…