6th MEGWARE HPC User Meeting in Germany
The MEGWARE HPC User Meeting is a symposium for high performance computing. Organised by the German supercomputing manufacturer, MEGWARE, it will take place for the sixth time in the spring of 2013. The event is exclusively addressed to decision makers from research, universities and industry.
The 6th MEGWARE HPC User Meeting in 2013 will be carried out with the motto:
"Green" Ways in Supercomputing
Date: Thursday, 25. April 2013
Location: MEGWARE Headquarters in Chemnitz / Germany
An interesting series of lectures on current supercomputing issues from the economic, research and industrial sector awaits our guests again. Technological partners report on the newest developments and current trends and HPC users report on their experiences and current tasks, which need to be mastered. The objective is to enable an exchange of experiences, to establish best practices and to discuss new challenges concerning high performance computing.
Call for Papers
You are cordially invited to submit proposals for presentations. Topics of interest for the meeting include, but are not limited to:
- Power-aware software and hardware
- Low-power electronics and systems
- Application-specific ASICs and FPGAs
- Power-efficient delivery and cooling
- Smart buildings and urban development
- Climate and ecosystem monitoring
- Architectures for Green Computing
- High Performance Interconnection Networks
- General-Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU)
- High Performance in Cloud Computing
- High Performance Parallel System and Performance Evaluation Computing Applications
Deadline for receipt of abstracts is December 15, 2012. Please propose topic and possible speakers to hpcusermeeting@megware.com Thank you and see you in Chemnitz! Jörg Heydemüller & Jana Mitschke
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