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MEGWARE awarded multi-million euro contract

"MEGWARE has been a reliable supplier providing us with good quality servers over a number of years but this time the scale was quite different. The tender was part of the process of doubling of our compute capacity for the start-up of the second phase of LHC this year. MEGWARE’s bid came out as the cheapest compliant bid in strong competition with other bidders and they were awarded the largest of the three contracts. We are happy to say that the deliveries have been executed to our entire satisfaction and the servers are now deployed in production since some time already," said Dr. Olof Bärring, leader of the Facility Planning and Procurement Section in CERN's IT Department.
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world’s largest and most respected centers for scientific research into the underlying physical principles of our world. Researchers at CERN probe the fundamental structure of the universe, investigating the basic constituents of matter – the fundamental particles. The particles are made to collide at close to the speed of light. This involves a staggering technical effort to manufacturer and operate the systems, and places extreme requirements in the data analysis tasks that the computers are asked to perform.

The newly installed MEGWARE computing clusters consist of a total of 2,828 nodes. The servers are equipped with the latest Intel Haswell processors, providing nearly 55,000 cores for the data centers. The expected processing power is approximately 2,154 TFlop/s theoretical peak CPU performance.